Sunday, October 12, 2014

Movies Watched 10/5 - 10/11

Welcome back gang.  After the marathon that was last week, I had to slow down a bit.  Comic con hit so I didn't really have the time to see too much.  So enjoy the relatively small selection here, but none of them are similar at all.  And they are all good, so there's that.  So sit back and enjoy.

Dominon: Prequel To The Exorcist (October 5th, 2014)
Director: Paul Schrader
Starring: Stellan Skarsgard, Gabriel Mann, Clara Bellar, and Ralph Brown

The backstory behind this movie is a lot more interesting than the actual movie.  That's not meant to be an insult, because the movie is actually really solid.  But when Schrader was finishing it up, Morgan Creek got second thoughts and essentially canned the movie.  Yet instead of letting it lay a mystery, they decided to essentially redo it but with action director Renny Harlin instead.  And when that didn't make back the budget of both movies combined, this version was deemed releasable.  Which is good, because this is a worthy entry to the series.  Following a young Father Merrin (a wonderful Skarsgard) as he himself battled with a crisis of faith.  While on an archeological dig in Africa, an odd discovery sets off a series of events that help turn Merrin into that Exorcist that tried to help the young McNeil girl.  Schrader may not always be the best writer/director on a consistent basis.  But the idea of faith and sin, broken men trying to find redemption in the world is a consistent theme he works with and that is perfect for this movie.  And while the idea of prequels is usually not the best idea, this movie is pretty canny in the way it informs the original movie.  Mainly in the way that we see that Merrin has been through the same crisis that Karras was going through, so their interactions now have a weight to them on Merrins end.  He knows what is going to happen and he knows it is going to shake Karras to the core.  The movie has a very creepy and foreboding tone, fitting right into the original tonally.  Schrader gets good performances out of a game cast and directs it less like a horror movie and more like a character piece, much like Friedkin.  There are some moments of weakness on his end, but that's mainly due to being dicked over by Morgan Creek.  Terrible special effects and some clunky editing could have been avoided if the studio believed in him.  But they didn't.  It doesn't kill the movie so it's easy to get over.  There isn't any moments that elevate it to classic status like the original, but it maintains a consistently solid quality throughout.  It may only work for those who have seen the original though.  I can't speak to that, since I've seen the original.  But I'll recommend it and hope for the best.  

Rating: 8.5/10

Cold In July (October 5th, 2014)
Director: Jim Mickle
Starring: Michael C. Hall, Sam Shepherd, Don Johnson, and Vinessa Shaw

Sometimes you can hear a lot of good things about a movie and it'll match the hype.  Other times, the movie won't reach that level.  But sometimes, a movie just barrels over the hype and enchants you with such a gigantic show of quality that it floors you.  That happened with this movie here.  Jim Mickle has just made quite the calling card for himself, because he can play this into a serious career.  This movie is not a twist filled affair.  No Sixth Sense stuff at play.  But it is a movie that changes up what it is a few times throughout that it can be a bit dizzying to catch up with it.  The most amazing thing is that it changes up the story throughout, and it all feels natural.  This is a movie about what it means to be a man, what it means to be a father, and responsibility for those we love.  It'll be best to keep the movie pretty fresh for anyone looking to watch it.  But a quick setup isn't too bad.  The whole thrust of the movie starts off when mild mannered Hall shoots a home intruder.  What happens after puts him on the path of Shepherd, Johnson and Wyatt Russell (who really looks so much like his dad Kurt).  Hall is mesmerizing, playing someone so completely different than Dexter Morgan or David Fisher.  Shepherd brings some old, war grizzled grit to the proceedings and is great.  Hell, Don Johnson is continuing his run of being one of the best character actors around, bringing some gravitas but also a lot of levity to the movie.  This is a no nonsense movie, filled to the brim with testosterone. It's also filled with John Carpenter homages, to the synthy score right on down to the credits font so it's already playing with an advantage.  Either way, this is an expertly crafted southern fried neo noir.  An absolute masterpiece, it is a must see.

Rating: 10/10

Frozen (October 6th, 2014)
Director: Adam Green
Starring: Shawn Ashmore, Kevin Zegers, and Emma Bell

Adam Green is a very smart film maker.  One wouldn't think so after seeing Hatchet, but that is a movie that knows exactly what it wants and succeeds heartily.  But in a bid to show his range, he decided to make a Hitchcockian thriller about three friends trapped on a ski lift with 5 days until the mountain opens and no one knowing they are there.  He flexes some real filmmaking muscles here, managing to use the isolated and unique setting to wring some real tension out of the proceedings.  It helps that he also has a very good cast, making each of the three very sympathetic and the impending doom they may or may not face all the more harrowing.  Its a short and simple movie, a nerve wracking experience that is a hell of an experience.  Green isn't wanting for work, but it would be nice to see him work for a long time and hopefully without having to fight for budgets.  But even if he does, this shows he can make due with a nothing budget.  A real treat, highly recommended.

Rating: 9/10

Top Movies

1. Cold In July
2. Frozen
3. Dominion: Prequel To The Exorcist

Top 5 Performances

1. Michael C. Hall - Cold In July
2. Stellan Skarsgard - Dominion
3. Sam Shepherd - Cold In July
4. Shawn Ashmore - Frozen
5. Don Johnson - Cold In July

Top 5 Moments

1. He's In The House - Cold In July
2. Dan Takes The Leap - Frozen
3. You're My Dad? - Cold In July
4. Climbing Down The Cable - Frozen
5. Don Johnson Gets Into a fist fight - Cold In July

- Tom Lorenzo

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