Why the fuck not, right? A horror movie is made by Wes Craven, this time “Scream”, and does so well a sequel is made. The sequel was a success and a third is created. There must be something about this sequel that gets Wes’ create juices flowing, because he shows up for an unprecedented second sequel. So, what’s up in this movie?
Well two years have passed since the second one. It all adds up time wise, because this came out three years after the second one, which takes place two years after the first. Fucking math. But anyway, Sidney is living in exile up in the woods. She’s a little affected by the whole serial killer thing, so she’s off on her own. She works with a womans help phone line. This is one of my favorite things about the sequels. Sidney is actually affected by the shit that’s gone on in her life. She’s withdrawn and doesn’t trust anyone. She feels guilty and I like that, actual character development. We also get Dewey and Gale back into the fold. After the murder of someone from their past, the three are brought back into the fold after the killer is found to be looking for Sid. This time though, it’s on the set of Stab 3. Stab is the movie that is based off what happened in Woodsboro in the first “Scream. So, even more tongue in cheek meta humor. Added to the cast is Parker Posey, Patrick Dempsey and Scott Foley, with a cameo by Lance Henriksen.
The movie suffers from the same problem as “Scream 2”, and that is familiarity. But this one suffers less than 2 because it does stray a bit. For one, Sid is not in the movie as much. Two, no school setting. Three, everything comes full circle. The movie actually is a little more clever than 2. So with that being said, how is the movie.
Well, I liked it. It continued the twisted story we have followed for 5 years and brings it to a rather nice conclusion, yet leaves it open if the right story comes up. Which apparently has happened, since “Scream 4” is supposed to be going into production in May. But this movie adds some decent scares and keeps the humor. The satire of hollywood and unnecessary sequels is done pretty well in this movie. It keeps it fresh and entertaining.
It really amazes me how this movie series just connected with people. I’m not saying the series isn’t good. Honestly, it’s probably the most consistent and well made horror series. But it’s very rare for a series, of any genre, to be this popular. I remember the big hubbub this movie had when it came out. Who’s gonna be the killer, whats gonna happen? It was crazy. And Wes and crew were so secretive, being made around the time the internet was fucking up movie secrets. This series is great. I’m not for unnecessary sequels, but if the script is good and Wes comes back which he apparently is, I’m for it. This is like horror Holy Grail. If you like horror movies, you’ll like it. Fuck what Rob Zombie says, that hairy fuckhead. But if slasher/horror movies aren’t for you, than be wary about this.
8 out of 10.

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