[Edit]I realized this was on the top 500 after I posted it, So fuck me right? I'll repost it when it's time comes. But that'll be in 2011.[Edit]
Where or where do we being with “Scream”, Wes Cravens other iconic horror franchise? Well, I really believe that this movie single handedly killed the slasher genre and crippled the horror genre in general. Wes Craven is a mastermind of horror, unleashing horror like no one else can. Cravens only other competitor is John Carpenter, who shit out in the 90’s. I think Wes went into this movie to try and shit on the movies being passed off as horror in those days. And boy, he shit on them and then some.
The movie has a simple premise that gets more complex as it goes along. We go from a simple and gruesome double murder to the possibility of a serial killer who has been waiting for a year to strike after the one year anniversary of his first kill. The first kill being that of Maureen Prescott, mother of main character Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell).
Wes Craven really brings his A game here. The many references and homages to past horror movies is really well done and goes to show you the love that Wes has for the genre. The movie is really clever, adding a satirical element that is what effectively kills the genre. Its a smart movie that goes against genre conventions. It tells us the rules of horror movies and says “Fuck the rules”. It also has a very effective whodunit aspect which makes you think at least everyone is a suspect at least one time during the movie. Its a well made movie with good scares. My favorite part in the movie is using two scenes from "Halloween" and juxtaposes it with scenes in the movie. But it wouldn’t be the movie it is without the right cast, and it has that in spades.
The cast in this movie play their parts really well. Neve is great as the damaged teen who is targeted by the killer. Skeet Ulrich (or as I like to call him, Johnny Depp 2) is really good as the boyfriend with his own demons. Courtney Cox is very slimy as the opportunistic reporter Gale Weathers. David Arquette bumbles his way through as the childish Deputy Dewey. Then you got Jamie Kennedy (I know, right?), Matthew Lillard, Rose McGowan and Drew Berrymore. These guys play their parts so well, you pretty much forgo any prior knowledge of the actors and just see the characters.
It’s really amazing this movie came out 14 years ago. I remember my older shit heel brother loving this movie. The popularity of this movie is almost unprecedented. The coverage this movie made is astounding. It took the world by storm. Not even movies like “Saw” or the terrible “Paranormal Activity”. Where “Saw” changed the sub genre that was popular at the time to torture porn, which is a shitty title, and “Paranormal Activity” which dethroned “Saw, “Scream” was the most popular movie for a long time. As a unabashed horror fan, this movie is a milestone. It goes against the grain. Rob Zombie said that this movie sucks and is not what real horror fans like. Well Rob, fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Lets be real, you have not made any horror movies worth a shit. I like em, but lets be real and say you know dick about creating tension or real character that don’t come off as “Deliverance” rejects. Any real horror fan loves this movie and cherishes it as the last great horror classic. I love this movie.
The movie is simply a horror classic. It works on many levels. One, it works as a very effective horror movie. Two, it works as a whodunit. Third, it works as a very well done satire of the genre. This will live on as a classic and rightly so. I need to say that Wes Craven is a fucking lunatic and I love him for it.
10 out of 10.

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